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A Personal Rebrand

Well, thanks to some IT issues, an incredibly busy MSc course and a new position at the University of Oxford, it's been a while since I've used this website, and lots has changed.

When I started MeTheBiologist, I was a Biochemistry student trying to work out what I wanted to do beyond my course, and I knew that was going to have some element of communication. Now, I'm a professional science communicator - the Communications and Public Engagement Coordinator for Planetary Health Informatics at the University of Oxford - and that change also needs to be reflected in how I present myself.

Therefore, I'm saying thank you and adieu to MeTheBiologist and hello to scicomMelia. This website is going to be a bit of a one stop shop for me - a digital portfolio of my work, a way to collect links in case people are interested, and a place to share my thoughts on different topics around science communication and my work.

I've had amazing opportunities to meet other science communicators through my course, my work and networks I've been part of, and their opinions and advice has been invaluable. I'm really looking forward to meeting new people and sharing my research further in the coming months at conferences and workshops, so I'll be sharing a combination of my work, my thoughts and experiences going forward - all in the name of helping me feel more fulfilled and comfortable in my new identity as a professional science communicator.

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